The Challenge
Most organizations do not want to admit they have a strategy problem. We are often contacted by nonprofits requesting a website refresh, perhaps with some additional marketing tools. After the initial meeting, we invariably discover that what they really need is help with strategy. Before effective marketing tools can be generated, an organization must be clear on their message and how it relates to varied stakeholders. Are the organization’s priorities clear? How about the impacts? These questions are critical! IVT brings a fresh perspective and invaluable experience to the table.
The Approach
As with all our work, we always start with the end in mind. (Check out IVT’s Path to Action) What is the outcome that the organization wants? What action do you want someone to take when they land on your website? Through our conversations we gain a clear picture of the audiences, outcomes desired, and pressing needs. After a strategy has been developed, we propose a plan for a site that the organization can maintain—it must be sustainable over the long-term.
The Outcome
We have helped multiple nonprofits achieve the next level of donor engagement and provide enhanced services to their targeted communities. Our carefully executed strategies and attractive and effective marketing tools speak for themselves. We believe that our passion for giving back to our community through partnership with nonprofit organizations shines through in the work that we do. The words of some of the nonprofit executive directors (featured below) reinforce the invaluable impacts made by IVT’s talented team and our unique approach.
Words cannot express the gratitude and thankfulness for your contribution to Safe Space. I find myself speechless as the tears trickle when I think back to what we started with. Your support, guidance, and motivation has really helped us reach for higher goals and opportunities in our overall marketing plan for Safe Space. Your contribution has great value to the continued growth of the agency. Thank you for being part of the legacy of Safe Space and playing such an influential role in our success during my two-and-a-half-year tenure as the Executive Director.
Monica Kearney, Executive Director, Safe Space Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Services
We LOVE the new website! What this new website will do for us is beyond words. The number of students that will be clothed with dignity and love because visitors to our site will first fall in love with our program (because of the sheer visual beauty and passion the site represents and the ease with which they can find the information they seek) will be amazing!
Yesterday, I attended an executive board meeting focused on strategy to increase our supporters. They pulled up the new website and the committee was WOWED! Our board president is a top-level marketing person and she explained to the others what a big deal this new website is and how it has “game-changing” potential. I know you all know what a significant gift this is, but I really want you to know that we understand and appreciate it as well. We really feel like part of the IVT family now!
Dallas Bonavita, Executive Director, Note in the Pocket